Bosch Software Packages

Diagnostics for passenger vehicles, HGVs, Buses, Commercial Vehicles and Motorbikes

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Garage Equipment KTS Diagnostics KTS Diagnostic Tools KTS 960 (DCU 220 with KTS 560)
  • Package of KTS 560 & DCU 220 laptop
  • Package of KTS 560 & DCU 220 laptop
  • Package of KTS 560 & DCU 220 laptop

Bosch KTS 960 (DCU 220 with KTS 560)

Mfr# 0684400962

Category: KTS Diagnostics

Package of KTS 560 & DCU 220 laptop


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buy KTS 960 (DCU 220 with KTS 560) now

Discover more options

KTS 560 - DoIP support, PassThru, Single channel multimeter, no oscilloscope
KTS 590 - DoIP support, PassThru, 2 channel multimeter, 2 channel oscilloscope
KTS 960 - DCU 220 ruggedized laptop combined with the KTS 560
KTS 980 - DCU 220 ruggedized laptop combined with the KTS 590
KTS 350 - All in one tablet and diagnostic tool

Full functionality of the KTS is dependant on subscription to ESI[tronic] software, providing vehicle specific test steps with sensor and actuator presets and providing on screen comparisons against acutal values.

Find out which software package suits your workshop requirements here

Diagnostics have changed

Diagnostics are evolving as vehicles become more electronically complex. Therefore a solution is required that is developing at the same rate as these new technologies to sucessfully diagnose, troubleshoot and repair faults.

The new generation KTS 560 and 590 satisfies these new technologies with a number of technical features that are only currently available on OEM diagnostic tools

DoIP and Ethernet: Communication of the future

More and more vehicle manufacturers are using a new diagnostic interface based on Ethernet, also known as DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol). The advantage is up to 100 times faster data transfer compared to previous technologies which was mostly used for flashing the control unit. It is not unlikely that in the near future, more and more manufacturers will use Ethernet for regular vehicle diagnostics as well. Being prepared for this development, the new diagnostic tester from the KTS series from Bosch supports Ethernet as well as the conventional vehicle interfaces. This means you are ready for the requirements of tomorrow with an intelligent solution from today.

simply put.. can work up to 200 times faster than CAN, reduces upload times and will increase workshop efficiency

In the future most non-EOBD diganosis will be done via DoIP

PASSTHRU - Always up to date with Bosch: Control unit programming as per Euro 5/6

Since 2009, the Euro 5/6 Standard requires vehicle manufacturers to make their technical repair information on their online portals available to independent workshops and also enable the reprogramming of control units. Vehicle manufacturers must therefore provide both diagnostic, service, repair and maintenance information. The new KTS generation from Bosch is equipped with what is known as a PassThru interface which allows access and reprogramming of the online portals of vehicle manufacturers. Already 14 vehicle brands are supported by the new KTS generation using PassThru including Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover among others. Bosch has considerable experience when it comes to using this technology.

Bosch units have been PassThru capable from 2009 – an experience that is proving itself now in every day workshop use, with the user friendly plug & play solution for diagnosis and Euro 5/6 PassThru. Bosch now offers the PassThruSolution 100 (PTS 100). An offer that will not only provide you with all the necessary soft- and hardware for PassThru use but also service for the installation and registration of OEM application from Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen. Additionally our experts are always available should you ever need help for a certain application. Bosch sets standards not only with PassThru, but in the field of Ethernet. The future has already begun.

  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • VAG
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • BMW
  • Volvo
  • Vauxhall
  • Others (verification ongoing)

Use the Bosch Workshop World website to access OEM portals, purchase the OEM's software, then use the OEM website to download the software.

Parallel Channel Communication

One of the major changes in the architure of the new generation KTS has the ability to use parallel channels to communicate with the vehicle, allowing communication to more than one CAN system simultaneously, speeding up programming and diagnosis. OEMs, such as Ford, Jaguar Lnad Rover, BMW and many others are already using this type of communication.

Improvements over the KTS 540/570

  • Oscilloscope sampling rate increased from 10MS/s to 20MS/s (Scope only available on KTS 590)
  • Multimeter bandwidth increased from 50kHz to 100kHz
  • Parallel communication to different ECUs is possible
  • IP53 rated protection against dust and water
  • J2534 compliant, testing being carried out for all OEMs
  • Approved for PassThru by several manufacturers