Bosch Software Packages

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Calibration and services

Calibration and Services

MOT Calibrations Equipment Breakdowns
Annual Airconditioning Service Repairs & Upgrades on Existing Equipment
ESI & KTS Technical Support Technical Support by Phone
coverage map of uk
sira-certification ukas-calibration

We offer a comprehensive after sales service including calibrations, servicing, repair, general maintainence, extended warranty options and our team of engineers are available for on site assistance and technical support by phone. Our service area covers the whole of north England and north Wales.

We provide on site and in-house calibration services for the full range of Bosch and Motorscan equipment. As part of the Sira Enviromental backed scheme, our calibrations are carried out to UKAS standards enabling us provide calibration certificates for your VOSA MOT equipment.

Calibration contracts are available to suit your needs so you never need to worry about calibration deadlines, our database ensures we always keep your equipment calibrated and up to date. All our calibration engineers are authorised UKAS signatories.

We also stock a comprehensive range of Bosch and Motorscan spares available for shipping.

Give us a call today if you would like to know more about any of the services we can provide to benefit your business.

Calibration available on the following Bosch gas analysers / diesel smoke meters:

  • BEA 950
  • BEA 850
  • BEA 350
  • BEA 550
  • BEA 060
  • BEA 070
  • BEA 055
  • BEA 050
  • BEA 150
  • BEA 250
  • RTT 800
  • RTM 430
  • ESA 3.140
  • ESA 3.250
  • ETT 8.36
  • ETT 8.70
  • ETT 8.71